Yes....we know it's fake.

Yes....we know it's fake.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Extreme Letdown

God what a lovefest TNA just was...there is no "invasion", just an upcoming ECW farewell PPV. Wasn't that One Night Stand in 2005?

This smacks of emergency re-writes by Russo and Co. Didn't just last week Abyss beat up some meat and declare that "they" would change everything. I guess "they" didn't sign Paul Heyman. I doubt that Abyss would be "paving the way" for a one off PPV. Abyss was not on TV tonight, and that speaks volumes. It says to me that not signing Heyman and Dreamers torn MCL forced the hands of TNA creative to do something to salvage the angle. Damage control.

You know, even with Heyman, I wasn't too excited by an ECW invasion. It was certainly interesting , and having Heyman control booking would have positive long term benefits. But I read something last week that opened my eyes to another possibility so awesome it makes the IWC wet themselves with delight and makes the ECW invasion look as tired and stale as some have suggested any incarnation of it would be...what if the "they" that Abyss has been talking about wasn't ECW at all but...Ring of Honor?!

Now it has been said that Jim Cornette would have to be dead before he would work for Dixie Carter and Vince Russo, but money talks in this business and for ROH being on Spike would be money in the bank (no pun intended). I'm not sure how anyone in the company could turn down that kind of exposure. It makes almost so much sense that it probably can't happen, but it would be an absolute coup for TNA and probably save Vince Russos job. Imagine it....Daniels comes back to TNA to take vengeance for AJ turning his back on him....the shit writes itself. AJ vs Daniels, Lynn vs RVD, Steen vs Joe, Ares vs Hardy, Briscoes vs MCMG, Strong vs Angle....the list goes on and on.

I mean...TNAs core audience is hardcore wrestling fans and WWE PG era defectors....they must know that anyone with a computer and the ability to type "Samoa Joe" into Google will see his name linked with ROH wherever they look. Kayfabe cannot be maintained in the Internet Era so why even try. Embrace your talents origins and use it to your advantage...nothing propels a storyline like a little history. Dixie Carter mentioned in her promo tonight that for wrestling, Hogan was the '80s, and ECW was the '90s. The '00s are ROH.

TNA 7/22

I try, I really do. I try to watch TNA wrestling in it's entirety and I really want it to do well. It's tough, really tough to watch. They take most of their really talented guys and put them in a match with some shitbum. Or they throw some stupid gimmick or stipulation on the match to excite the crowd. If they use these gimmick matches less often, the audience might actually care about what's happening in the ring. I can't get pumped up about an A.J. Styles vs. Tomko -Pizza-on-a-pole match. How about Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian in a Bathroom Stall Brawl?
Right now, TNA is the highest rated and most watched show on Spike TV. They should take advantage of their comfortable position with the network and just shove good wrestling matches down our throats every week ala ROH. They have the talent to do it. Instead, they're feeding me crap every week and letting it slip through their fingers.

TNA for 7/22
A.J. Styles vs. Rob Terry for the TNA Global Championship. Match lasts literally 3 minutes with The Freak hitting Styles with power moves. Terry has the moveset of The Ultimate Warrior so it's no surprise that they copy the ending of the Wrestlemania 5 Warrior/Rick Rude match with Kazarian playing the Bobby Heenan role. Styles wins the title.

TNA Knockouts tag team match. Hot chicks that can't wrestle. Somebody wins and there's a chick with a motorcycle hiding her identity by wearing a helmet. I can only hope it's a woman that can wrestle a good match. Mickie James?

Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez. Hernandez sucks. Angle carries the match and makes it tolerable. At least he's rewarded with a win for his effort.

Kevin Nash appears looking more and more like Jerry Garcia. He calls out Jeff Jarret and talks about Sting and Jarrett taking dumps. Seriously. No reason for this segment.

Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy. Very good match that ends in a time-limit draw. The only problem is that it was a 10 minute match. Two of your best workers trying to get the viewers into the second hour of the show and you end the match after 10 minutes! Gay.

Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan. The arena audience might actually be sleeping during this match. Crummy match. Anderson wins and people yawn. Too bad, because I like Matt Morgan.

Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns in a street fight. Apparently it's match #2/5 in a series. Don't get how BM won the first match yet they're not the champs going into match #2. Whoever wins 3 matches in the series is the champ? I thought that was for vacant titles. Match is actually really good with Beer Money winning following a ref bump and fake beer bottle over the head. I'll bet my bottom dollar the Machine Guns win the next 2 matches to push it to match #5.

Dixie Carter appears dressed like a hussy. Are we suppose to take a 46 year-old woman serious as President of the company when she dresses like a college chick complete with tons of make-up and attempted cleavage. She brings out Mick Foley, Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Raven and Stevie Richards. Hurts that they can't legally use ECW, so these guys are "hardcore" and "extreme". Dreamer takes the mic and basically craps on the reincarnation of ECW and asks for just one night to show everyone how it used to be. Dixie Carter tells him to go ahead and get it done. This angle peaks my interest only because of the success of the One Night Stand pay-per views.

I really can't see how someone could watch this show as it happens without the the benefit of fast-forward. DVR TNA and watch the 2-hour show in an hour if you care about yourself.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

TNA Blows its Load

Well, the invasion is upon us. Rumored for weeks, the ECW dudes finally jumped the guardrail and made the save for RVD. Of course, Dixie has the swerve that she "invited them"...I'll have to look up what happened after the cameras went off. In any event, TNA was really building to something here and probably should have teased this a little more. God, I hope they signed Heyman...Mick Foley(ft awesome mullet) peeping around corners is not gonna cut it.

TNA has steadily got better in recent weeks. Is it any coincidence that Hogan and Biscoff haven't been on TV. And say what you will about Flair, he is putting talent over in a big way and just being near him is giving some guys the rub. Hell, Desmond Wolfe gets blown off by him and that alone keeps him relevant.

Oh Desmond...what are they doing to you? The former Nigel McGuinness has been on a downward spiral since getting blown up by Abyss-a-Mania a few weeks back. How can you go from going move for move with Kurt Angle 9 months ago to begging for attention from Styles and Kazarian and getting choked out in short order by Samoa Joe this week? Who did he piss off backstage?! I can't believe it's the old "indy guys have to pay their dues" seeing as half the roster is ex-ROH. It's sad to see a wrestler of his caliber tap out to Brian F'n Kendrick!

Good stuff for the most part this week...Beer Money is solid, nice work from what's left of the Knock Outs, Brutus Magnus appearance, Kevin Nash with the old "worked-shoot", Abyss eats some meat and then some watermelon....consider my interest piqued, I'll be watching next week.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nexus No

I hate NXT...I really do. I mean, I don't mind any of the "future superstars", in fact I really like some of them. But it's game show atmosphere and ridiculous challenges personifies everything that's wrong with the PG era. Eli Cottenwood's mustache bit being played over and over again on "The Soup" is just embarrassing. They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but c'mon.

That being said, tonight's show starts out pretty slowly. Uninspiring work from Alex Riley and Lucky Cannon(terrible name). I understand why the WWE creates new personas for their rookies, but you would think that retaining some of the cache they have from FCW might be a good thing. Doesn't the WWE own FCW? I never got that. Anyway...trashcan dumped on the Miz's rookie. Yawn.
Who is using that ringside trashcan, by the way? There was a ton of trash in it.

Percy Watson, little shows in the ring are never a good idea...especially when they're hosted by someone vamping it up like RuPaul. we have a NXT Season 2, NXT Season 1, and NXT Pros 20 man over-the-top battle royal.
Allow me to surmise:
  • Punching and kicking
  • Bad tights on Joe Henning
  • Alex Riley eliminated via blood
  • Cody Rhodes prancing around in his triforce boots
  • Husky Harris is awesome
  • Nexus wins
  • Nexus sucks chants
  • Please kill Matt Striker
  • Damn they let him go
  • New catchphrase..."You're either Nexus or against us!"