Yes....we know it's fake.

Yes....we know it's fake.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nexus No

I hate NXT...I really do. I mean, I don't mind any of the "future superstars", in fact I really like some of them. But it's game show atmosphere and ridiculous challenges personifies everything that's wrong with the PG era. Eli Cottenwood's mustache bit being played over and over again on "The Soup" is just embarrassing. They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but c'mon.

That being said, tonight's show starts out pretty slowly. Uninspiring work from Alex Riley and Lucky Cannon(terrible name). I understand why the WWE creates new personas for their rookies, but you would think that retaining some of the cache they have from FCW might be a good thing. Doesn't the WWE own FCW? I never got that. Anyway...trashcan dumped on the Miz's rookie. Yawn.
Who is using that ringside trashcan, by the way? There was a ton of trash in it.

Percy Watson, little shows in the ring are never a good idea...especially when they're hosted by someone vamping it up like RuPaul. we have a NXT Season 2, NXT Season 1, and NXT Pros 20 man over-the-top battle royal.
Allow me to surmise:
  • Punching and kicking
  • Bad tights on Joe Henning
  • Alex Riley eliminated via blood
  • Cody Rhodes prancing around in his triforce boots
  • Husky Harris is awesome
  • Nexus wins
  • Nexus sucks chants
  • Please kill Matt Striker
  • Damn they let him go
  • New catchphrase..."You're either Nexus or against us!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. NXT is no longer on the DVR list. Glad I missed that stinker. "Nexxus" is actually a shampoo brand..., not just a terrible stable. So full of bums. Amazingly, they don't even wrestle. Mean Street posse was/is better.

    The GM emails on RAW suck even worse.

    Speakjng of band of bums, looks like ECW came on TNA tonight to pull a Nexus. AL Snow in a Canadian tuxedo has been sighted.
