Yes....we know it's fake.

Yes....we know it's fake.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ring of Honor 9/21/2010

Little recap of the A Double/Delirious feud. Tonight it a steel cage!

Match #1 The Embassy (Necrobutcher and Erick Stevens ft Prince NaNa) vs The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis and Kory Chavous). Great in ring promo by NaNa opens with "You stupid bums!" pretty much all you need to hear. I cannot get over how old and crusty "The Crown Jewel" Necrobutcher looks. Evidently, Necro needed to feed his family so he made a pact with the devil in Prince NaNa and joined the Embassy. Not a lot of big spots in this one...DCFC are pretty raw. Mostly the Embassy dominating. Chavous gets "Gonorrhea" from Erick Stevens (worst finishing move name ever, by the way) and its a big upset win for the Embassy. Yawn.

After a little recap from last weeks lumberjack match, its a promo from Austin Aries. Pretty sraightforward stuff..."who's ever blood is spilled tonight is on your hands, Delirious". I'll actually be happy when this feud is over...Austin Ares should be being booked with some bigger names.

Match #2 Colt Cabana vs Jay Freddie (straight up jobber)
Colts lying down and no-selling all of Freddie's offense...this will be quick. Cabana locks in the Billy Goats curse and it's over in about 30 seconds. Steve Corino does the run in and tries to jab cabana with a fork but misses. Guess these two are going to start a program following their involvement with the Steen/Generico feud.

Next is a recap of Glory by honor IX from NYC. Was looking for our faces in the crowd but I couldn't see them. Looks as if Davey Richards, Chris Daniels and Homicide are the top three contenders to Roderick Strong's title.

Commercial break...HDNet has Dream? I might have to start watching that...

Recap of Davey Richards interview from last week. He was meant to be a wrestler, I guess. Mercifully edited WAY down.

Match #3 Sara Del Rey vs Taylor Hendrix
Hendrix is new...very chesty redhead. Del Rey comes out with The Kings of wrestling, as she is their queen. Del Rey proceeds to kick the living shit outta this poor girl and finishes her with a cross arm breaker. She might be the best woman technician I have ever seen. Good stuff. Great execution. Wow.

Side Note: I noticed The Kings theme music is "Ride of the Valkyries", the same classical piece that Bryan Danielson currently comes out to in the WWE. Could this be subtle tribute to ROH, perhaps?

More recapping this Austin Ares feud...

Match #4 Austin Ares vs Delirious in a steel cage
Delirious comes out. Holy shit, Daziee Haze is RIPPED. Ares comes out and scares children at ringside. Classic! Ares is after Daizee Haze but Delirious with the save. I'm liking this ROH steel cage because it's looks like they got it from Home Depot and put it together in 10 minutes. Pretty brutal. Good, solid work from both these guys...Ares can really go when he has to. Delirious is busted open by a dropkick to the back of the head into the cage. Austin working the face...gets in an old school back rake. Hooks in the Last Chancery but Delirious bites his way out. Delirious with a Cobra Suplex into the Cobra Stretch...but it's Kenny King and Rhett Titus out to the ring!! Both men retreat to the top of the cage, but as Ares tries to escape, it's the Cobra Clutch locked in! Great face by Ares and he taps out! Titus and King open up the cage door and put the beatdown on Delirious. Todd Sinclair tries to break it up and he goes down!! Love to see that. Ares oversees the beating and to the cameras says "Now...its over!" Good night, folks!

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