Disco: 8:16 PM... the PPV is ON! I don't know why but it's suddenly on. We drop into the Kingston/Ziggler match. Vickie tries to interfere but Zigger explains he wants to do it "on his own." He does, finishing with a Kingston with a ZigZag. Vicky is somewhat somber... realizing that Ziggler doesn't need her cheatin' ways to win.
After a "Paper Jams" commercial, we cut to Edge being interviewed by Josh Matthews. Edge annoyed, confident he will win.
Disco: CM Punk comes out. Says he loves Chicago, crowd happy (Chicago is his hometown). Them CM Punk says he hates the people -- corrupt cops, fat teamsters, etc. The crowd is not happy. BIG BOO

Disco: Then Show punches Punk out and pins.
Biggs: Who does that help? What was the point of that?
Disco: A very short match.
Disco: Matthews interviews Jericho. Jericho extolls his virtues. Plans to "eliminate, eliminate, eliminate" because he is the "best at what I do". Announcers remind us that if Jericho loses tonight he plans on leaving the WWE.
Disco: MIZ/BRYAN... Miz comes in, cluching MIB suitcase, with Alex Riley. Riley has lost his High School gimmick, wearing white button-down.
Disco: Bryan comes in, people like him. There's a lot of talk about Gene LeBell and the LeBell lock, Bryan's finisher.
Biggs: (Prediction) Miz loses US Title, Jericho wins 6-Pack, Miz uses Money In Bank. Bryan is so over, a testament to WWE marketing.
Disco: Great match! Very technical, a LOT of spots and pins. Striker calls -- "the Crossface is locked in!", Cole calls it the LeBell....
Disco: WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! Daniel Bryan takes the US TITLE! Miz sobs against the ring apron as Bryan heads up the ramp.
Disco: Backstage interview with Cena. Cena reminds us that Edge is zero percent "R Rated"...""it's PG now folks."
Disco: Women's Unification match (Lumberjill). Not much to say. Divas. Michelle McCool has a neat outfit but with a lot of crucifixes. She's a serious Christian.
Disco: WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! While getting a vicious lumberjill beatdown, Layla sneaks in and kicks Melina in the face. McCool finishes Melina and wins the Diva Title.
Disco: Wade Barrett interview. Sees the match as his opportunity to change the WWE status quo.
Disco: Kane vs. Undertaker history video promo. Kane unmasking, etc. Some cool old footage. Same one they're showing on SD.
(Continue to part II)
Thank god melina melino is out of there.